Friday, August 31, 2012

Romney can deliver US from overseas, domestic threats: Rice

Former US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice on Wednesday hailed Mitt Romney as the leader who can rescue America from foreign and domestic threats that she said have flourished during Barack Obama's presidency.

The former top US diplomat said the Democratic president has abdicated responsibility in global crises where US leadership was needed -- most recently in the Middle East.

"We have seen that the desire for liberty is universal as people in the Middle East rise up to seize it," said Rice.

"Yet the promise of the Arab Spring is engulfed in uncertainty and hostile neighbors."

Other foreign policy failures span the globe, she said "from Israel to Colombia, from Poland to the Philippines."

"Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan understand this reality," she continued.

"Our well being at home and leadership abroad are linked. They know what to do. They know that our friends and allies must again be able to trust us."

Rice delivered her address -- the key foreign policy speech during the Republican Presidential Convention -- as the lone hold-over from the Bush era to take part in the coronation of Romney as the Republican presidential candidate.

She made the case that Romney would be an able leader of the free world.

Rice was known as something of a hawk during her eight years -- first as national security adviser, then as secretary of state -- in the George W. Bush administration.

She played a key role shaping US policy toward Iraq and Afghanistan -- two controversial and unpopular military engagements that continue to exact a heavy toll on the US purse and its overextended military.

Rice said that while Romney is interested in peace, under his administration, it would be "peace through strength."

"Our allies and friends have to know that we will be reliable and consistent and determined. Our foes can have no reason to doubt our resolve because peace really does come through strength," she said.

Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan understand this reality," the former top US diplomat continued.

"They know that our friends and allies must again be able to trust us, from Israel to Colombia, from Poland to the Philippines," she said.

Critics of the Bush era and Rice's role during the US-led military intervention in Iraq, feared her speaking role augured a return to war-mongering and accused Romney of having "outsourced" his security and defense policy.

"I am troubled by Republicans' choice to hand what little platform for national security they have over to Condoleezza Rice and John McCain," said retired Major General Paul Eaton from the National Security Network.

"While I respect Secretary Rice's talents, the Bush-Rumsfeld-Rice team perpetrated what I consider the most egregious US national security failure of the last half-century, namely, the disastrous decision to invade Iraq without the resources or exit strategy needed to execute a responsible military campaign.

"Romney's choice today to outsource discussion of foreign policy to neoconservative ambassadors to last decade's reckless security catastrophes is deeply concerning to the military community," Eaton said.


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Clean Energy Technology - What Is It And How To Implement It?

Defining Clean Energy

Clean energy is different energy sources that can be used naturally without causing harm to the environment. We have all heard about clean energy and we all know what fossil fuels are so I won't go in to to much detail. Currently we are burning fossil fuels such as oil and coal that are causing an extreme amount of damage to our environment and health. This has been argued by many but I don't see how we can deny these facts for any longer. Our most brilliant minds on the planet have not only made this extremely clear but it we can now see it with our own eyes and feel it with our own senses. If you go outside in any major city and pay attention to the air it is extremely clear that it is filled with smog and pollution. If you go for a walk or a jog and you are paying attention to the air your breathing and the vehicles that are driving by then this becomes self-evident. Clean energy is using alternatives that do not affect our air, food, water or anything else that has a negative impact on our environment.

The Different Types Of Clean Energy

Currently we have many different types of clean renewable energy. We have solar power, wind power, geo-thermal, wave power, magnet power and many more that are beginning to surface. Not only are these different types of energy becoming widely known but they are becoming more affordable and easy to implement. For example solar panels used to cost a lot of money. You had to pay a lot for the panels, pay someone to install them and pay a lot for the batteries. It's gotten to the point now where you can simply go online, find an eBook and learn how to do solar panels yourself for very affordable prices. You can simply put a small solar panel in your back yard or your balcony that will charge a battery and your appliances at the same time. You can do the same thing with wind power. Geo-thermal power is an alternative source of energy that uses a technique called heat mining. What this does is uses the water that is underground to generate mass amounts of clean energy. Wave power is are devices that are installed in our oceans that generate energy from the oceans movements. Magnet power harnesses the power of magnets to harvest clean renewable energy. It's important to note that all of these energies are clean, renewable and are very cost efficient and easy to maintain. If we were to utilize these energies we could do away with fossil fuels and power society forever.

How To Use These Energies

The use is simple. If we were to replace our coal factories with geothermal units and replace all other fossil fuels with solar, wind, wave and magnet power it would eliminate the energy crisis. The only problem is that the powers that be will not allow this. They are profiting and making way to much money off of fossil fuels. So what do we do? Simple. We start by taking personal responsibility and then start expanding to community projects. For example, start doing what you can to produce your own energy and then get together with a community or a movement of some sort and expand. If individuals started creating their own energy and then started getting together in communities it would fix the issues from the inside out and out compete the powers that be. In America the constitution allows free trade, community projects and the freedom to create what we desire. We do not need the "powers that be" to do this for us.

If your interested in learning more about alternative energies or helping the community feel free to visit


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Heatwaves to move toward coasts, study finds

ScienceDaily (Aug. 29, 2012) ? A new study by researchers at Scripps Institution of Oceanography, UC San Diego, suggests that the nature of California heatwaves is changing due to global warming.

Climate researchers Alexander Gershunov and Kristen Guirguis detected a trend toward more humid heatwaves that are expressed very strongly in elevated nighttime temperatures, a trend consistent with climate change projections. Moreover, relative to local warming, the mid-summer heatwaves are getting stronger in generally cooler coastal areas. This carries implications for the millions of Californians living near the ocean whose everyday lives are acclimated to moderate temperatures.

"Heatwaves are stressful rare extremes defined relative to average temperatures," said Gershunov. "We've known for a while that humid heatwaves that are particularly hot at night are on the rise in California as the climate warms. Here, we sharpen the geographic focus to consider sub-regions of the state."

Gershunov added that in this new sharper and "non-stationary" perspective, coastal heatwaves express much more intensely than those inland where the summertime mean warming is stronger. This translates to a variety of impacts on the typically cool, un-acclimated coast.

Classic California heatwaves have been characterized as interior desert and valley events that are hot during the day and marked by dryness and strong nighttime cooling. Gershunov and Guirguis said their analysis of observations and computer model data indicates that the emerging flavor of heatwaves marked by greater humidity, greater expression in nighttime temperatures, and greater expression in coastal areas relative to the generally cooler coast are intensifying and will keep intensifying in coming decades. Both coastal and desert heatwaves will continue to be more common as climate changes relative to the past, but the desert heatwaves are becoming less intense relative to strong average warming observed and projected for the interior of the state.

The study, "California heat waves in the present and future," will appear in the American Geophysical Union journal Geophysical Research Letters.

The "non-stationary" approach reflects an acknowledgment by scientists that what has been considered extreme heat is gradually becoming commonplace. The rate of climate warming necessitates a measure of extreme heat relative to the changing average climate rather than to historical climate norms. So, instead of defining heatwaves relative to fixed temperature thresholds, the researchers projected heatwave intensity against a backdrop of increasing average summertime temperature. This causes the definition of heatwaves -- temperatures in the warmest 5 percent of summertime conditions -- to evolve with the changing climate and reflect extreme conditions relevant to the climate of the time.

"The advantage of using this evolving 'non-stationary' definition is that heatwaves remain extreme events even under much warmer climate," said Gershunov. "If they change in this evolving framework, it's because the variance of temperature is changing, not just the average."

The authors point out that the trend could precipitate a variety of changes in California's coastal communities, where stronger heat will lead to the installation of air conditioners in homes traditionally not in need of cooling. This lifestyle trend would in turn affect energy demand in coastal areas, its magnitude and timing. In the absence of technological or physiological acclimatization, high humidity and the lingering of heat through the night is expected to have strong public health implications, placing added stress on many of the more than 21 million Californians who live in coastal counties. The same would be true for animals and plants living in the highly populated and diverse coastal zone.

"This trend has important human health implications for coastal California where most of the state's population lives," said Guirguis. "Coastal communities are acclimated to cooler mean temperatures and are not well prepared for extreme heat either physiologically or technologically through air conditioning use. Populations tend to adapt to changes in their average conditions but extreme events can catch people off guard. An increase in heat wave intensity relative to average conditions could mean much more heat-related illness during heat waves unless effective heat emergency plans are implemented."

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by University of California - San Diego.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. Alexander Gershunov, Kristen Guirguis. California heat waves in the present and future. Geophysical Research Letters, 2012; DOI: 10.1029/2012GL052979

Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

Disclaimer: Views expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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The Spotify For India, Saavn Brings Streaming Music Service To Feature Phones

saavnSaavn, a startup that's been called the Spotify for Indian music, has launched a J2ME mobile app, tailored for feature phone handsets from Nokia, Sony Ericsson, Samsung, and Motorola. Saavn is also announcing six new languages for its iOS, Android and Web apps including Tamil, Telugu, Marathi, and Gujarati. Saavn (which stands for South Asian Audio Video Network) is an ad-supported digital music service for Bollywood, Indian and regional South Asian music. The service allows users to create and listen to playlists for free; Saavn makes money via targeted display and rich media ad units for global advertisers. The platform is similar to Spotify in that it allows users to listen to Indian music on-demand and create and share playlists, and also adds an element of Pandora with a radio function. Users can create radio stations by song, and Saavn will show users similar songs to the initial track.


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Sunday, August 19, 2012

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Dwarkadelhi Blog ? Clever Mobile Marketing Methods For Your ...

Previous Post: Suggestions To Learning The Crucial Details Of Car Insurance &nbsp Next Post: A New Way To Look At Your Personal Financial situation

Are you presently struggling to design a mobile phone advertising campaign which includes all the key tactics? Read more to explore methods to use cellular technology in your marketing advantage.

Spot is important in traditional marketing, and may be much more crucial in mobile marketing. Much different with other advertising types, mobile advertising and marketing permits you to crucial in on your own precise spot. This will give you new solutions to market place based upon area that you simply can?t usually use. Give some thought to the possibility that area-precise advertising and marketing tactics gift for your business.

Be truthful with your buyers about the service. No one would like to be spammed. Permit them to opt in or away from your service. Since SMS and cellular phones are strapped closely together, excessive use or misuse of your services could make your clients quite annoyed. It might sense quite intrusive. This is the reason it can be so essential to only objective your Text message marketing campaign to buyers who may have decided to receive communications. You should also stay with a small variety of messages a month. This can help you be viewed as a trustworthy firm.

To create an excellent mobile advertising campaign, perform an usability test out just before releasing the marketing campaign. You may defeat the intention of your campaign in the event you send communications which do not work or are inadequate. Test out your campaigns on your own friends and co-workers initial.

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Saturday, August 18, 2012

Department Head - Childhood Education and Family Studies ...

The College of Education at Missouri State University in Springfield, Missouri, anticipates a January 2, 2013 opening for a Department Head
of Childhood Education and Family Studies.

For a full position description and to apply online, go to; however, duties include serving as Childhood Education and Family Studies Department Head which includes administering undergraduate programs in Early Childhood Education, Child & Family Development, and Elementary Education and graduate programs in Early Childhood & Family Development and Elementary Education (; collaboration with Child Development Center ( and Greenwood Laboratory School K-12 (; administrative duties include, but are not limited to, budgeting, personnel supervision and review, hiring, student issues, scheduling, grant writing, program development, and leadership role in accreditation compliance; facilitates a work environment that encourages knowledge of, respect for, and development of skills to engage with all persons, including those of other cultures or backgrounds. Letter of application, curriculum vitae including publications, and a minimum of 3 professional references can be uploaded electronically via the online application form. Supplemental application materials required include statement of vision of leadership and official/unofficial transcript showing highest degree.

Missouri State University is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action institution. The University is dedicated to the goal of building a culturally diverse and inclusive faculty and staff committed to teaching and working in a multicultural environment and strongly encourages applications from women, persons from underrepresented ethnic and racial groups, individuals with disabilities and covered veterans. Employment will require a criminal background check at University expense. Date of first consideration is September 17, 2012 with the position open until filled. For additional information contact: Dr. Janice Duncan, Search Chair, by email at or by calling 417-836-5124.


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Fire evacuees in Wash. and California return home

SPOKANE, Wash. ?

Hundreds of people in Washington and California who fled encroaching flames from wildfires were allowed to return to their homes Friday, and in Washington many were to find out whether their property was spared by a huge blaze that burned out of control for much of the week.

"Some people will find their homes there and others will find homes damaged or even lost," said Mick Mueller, a spokesman at the fire command center.

Meanwhile, some residents of rural central Idaho were told to evacuate by late Friday as blazes continued to burn throughout the West.

In Washington, people were returning to the south and east sides of the 35-square mile Taylor Bridge Fire near the town of Cle Elum in the Cascade Range, about 75 miles east of Seattle. The 22,700-acre fire was 40 percent contained late Friday.

"The folks will have to be working among fallers dropping hazardous trees and utility crews working to get the power back on in there," Mueller said. "And firefighters are still working in there trying to put out hot spots."

About 900 firefighters with eight helicopters continued building a line around the fire.

The fire broke out Monday at a bridge construction project and exploded through dry grass, brush and trees. Authorities said Friday the blaze had burned 48 residential properties and 15 other structures on the east side of the Cascades. The fire burned on the north side of Interstate 90. More than 400 people evacuated.

Firefighters hope to have the fire contained Sunday.

But the National Weather Service has issued a red flag warning for high wildfire danger in effect through Saturday night on the east side of the Cascades. In addition to the hot, dry conditions, there's a chance for dry thunderstorms Saturday evening with lightning that could start more fires.

"We're kind of on edge about that," Mueller said.

In other states:

- Idaho authorities have told some Custer County residents to evacuate by Friday afternoon because of a nearing wildfire. To the south, in Elmore County, firefighters were still working to protect two threatened towns from another huge blaze. The Custer County sheriff's office issued an evacuation notice Thursday night, warning residents from Sunbeam Store to Loon Creek Summit that if they don't evacuate by 5 p.m. Friday officials cannot guarantee their safety.

-In California, hundreds of people who were ordered to leave their rural homes because of San Diego County wildfires were being allowed to return. State fire officials said evacuation orders were lifted Friday for about 400 people in the communities of Ranchita and San Felipe. Flames came within a half-mile of some houses but none burned.


Associated Press writers Doug Esser in Seattle and Jessie L. Bonner in Boise, Idaho, contributed to this report.


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A Few More Details About the India Coal Deal Emerge

Financial news service SNL has a story out today with a few more details about the deal that was announced earlier this week between Kentucky coal producers and an Indian company.

SNL found out that the coal will be traveling by barge via the port at New Orleans. What's interesting for Kentucky--and probably not too surprising to those in the coal industry--is that saying "nine million tons a year for 25 years" isn't really accurate. SNL reports that production will ramp up to nine million tons, but it could take several years.

John Grantham, vice president with River Trading Co. Ltd., told SNL Energy that about 120,000 tons of coal would be delivered in the first shipment to India conglomerate Abhijeet Group. Plans ultimately call for the delivery of up to 9 million tons annually of Kentucky and West Virginia coal to Abhijeet, although Grantham said it could be several years before the volume reaches that level as infrastructure might need to be installed to handle that amount of traffic by barge or rail.

River Trading, a coal sourcing and trading firm, has docks on the Kanawha River in Marmet, W.Va., and on the Big Sandy River near Huntington, W.Va., that will be used to transport the coal to Gulf terminals, he said. River Trading would also be responsible for procuring the coal under the deal and blending it to the customer's specifications.

About two million tons will be provided by Booth Energy, with the rest coming from other Kentucky and West Virginia producers.

Another interesting point to note from SNL's story: reporter Dan Lowrey couldn't get anyone to verify the $7 billion figure Governor Steve Beshear's office put out in the news release.


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Friday, August 17, 2012

Types of Mountain Bike Frames and Their Materials | Content for ...

Author: Abu Fakhri | Total views: 39 Comments: 0
Word Count: 654 Date:

The role of mountain bike frames in a bike is very important for a bike without a frame will be useless. No matter what types of mountain bike you are going to buy, you should know various types of frames so that you have the knowledge on what you should buy later, the cross-country bikes that employ light frame in the little front or rear suspension, for instance. Other components of this bike are also made in light weight. This type of bike will lose its strength if it is used for other intended purposes. The suspension choice of these frames is called pneumatic shocks.

Actually, all types of mountain bike frames employ the combination of free ride and cross-country bike with 29 to 35 pounds in weight. The downhill bikes have 7 inches or more in the suspension travel. It has a high rate speed that most of these bikes are equipped with chain ring, chain guard, and large bash guard. However, in recent bikes, most riders omit the bash guards to make the frame lighter. The materials used to make a free ride mountain bike frames are more durable and heavier compared to cross-country bikes. The free ride mountain bike is more or less the same as downhill bike, but the free ride mountain bike is stronger yet lighter. Moreover, the angles of the frames are steeper than downhill bikes.

Another type of bike that is also made of strong materials is dirt jumping mountain bikes. These types of bikes are included between the free ride and BMX bike. Not to mention mountain bike frames, the dirt jumping mountain bikes are equipped with fast rolling tires which are mostly slick. The handlebars are made oversized with low seat posts. Then, this bike also has extended rear brake cables but without front brake so it eases the rider to spin the handle bars.

There are also single speed mountain bikes that only have one set gear ratio. The ratio is chosen based on the terrain in which the bike will be ridden, the size of the bike and the strength of the rides. Single speed mountain bike frames are rigid since they are from steel. This type of mountain bike usually is ridden by those who fit on milder or moderate cross-country terrain. Another type of mountain bike is dual slalom. It is like a mountain cross, but this bike has two competitors. Each rider has lanes, but some others only have a single lane.

Talking about the materials of mountain bike frames, there are a wide range of choices you can buy. The lighter the frame of the bike, the more expensive it costs. Generally, frames become the heaviest part in a bike, but as technology develops, they are made to be lighter. The first type of material used in making cro-moly C bike frames is cro-moly, which is an alternative material to make a starter mountain bike. This material is used for basic bike frame with the additional weight in the steel to hinder the competitive riding.

The second type of material that is used to make mountain bike frames is aluminum C aluminum bike frames. These types of frames are lighter and they are more popular than cro-moly materials. To build a stiffer ride, the aluminum is conjoined. The third type of materials is carbon fiber C. It is a material that is used to build the front fork of the bike. Moreover, another thing that should be considered when you buy a bike frame is its size. You should know that the size of mountain bike is smaller than the road bike. It is at least three inches smaller than the standard bike. In addition, the angles of the bike are also important. The steeper the angles, the more beneficial it would be for stability and high speed pedaling.

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Thursday, August 16, 2012

New method to remove phosphorus from wastewater

ScienceDaily (Aug. 15, 2012) ? A professor at Michigan State University is part of a team developing a new method of removing phosphorus from wastewater -- a problem seriously affecting lakes and streams across the United States.

In addition, Steven Safferman, an associate professor of biosystems and agricultural engineering, and colleagues at Columbus, Ohio, based-MetaMateria Technologies, are devising a cost-effective way of recovering the phosphorus, which then can be reused for fertilizer products.

Although its use is regulated in many states, including Michigan, in items such as detergents and fertilizer, phosphorus is part of all food and remains a critical problem as it is always present in human and animal wastes.

Discharge from human and industrial wastewater and runoff into lakes and streams can cause what is known as eutrophication -- making the water unsuitable for recreational purposes and reducing fish populations -- as well as causing the growth of toxic algae.

What MetaMateria Technologies and Safferman have figured out and tested over the past 10 years is how to produce a media, enhanced with nanoparticles composed of iron, that can more efficiently remove larger amounts of phosphorus from water.

"Phosphorus that is dissolved in wastewater, like sugar in water, is hard to remove," Safferman said. "We found that a nano-media made with waste iron can efficiently absorb it, making it a solid that can be easily and efficiently removed and recovered for beneficial reuse."

Safferman added there are indications that their method of phosphorus retrieval is much more cost effective than processing phosphate rock.

"Research suggests that it is significantly cheaper to recover phosphorus this way. So why would you mine phosphorus?" he asked. "And, at the same time, you're helping to solve a serious environmental problem."

The material should be commercially available for use within two years, said J. Richard Schorr, MetaMateria CEO.

"Phosphorus is a finite material," Schorr said "Analyses show that the supply of phosphorus may become limited within the next 25 to 50 years. This is an economical way to harvest and recycle phosphorus."

This research is funded, in part, by a National Science Foundation Small Business Innovative Research Grant.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Michigan State University.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

Disclaimer: Views expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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ABC's Jimmy Kimmel to wed his show's top writer

FILE - This Nov. 17, 2011 file photo shows late night talk show host Jimmy Kimmel, left, and Molly McNearney arrive at the 16th annual GQ "Men of the Year" party in Los Angeles. Kimmel and McNearney are newly engaged. His spokesman, Lewis Kay, said Wednesday, Aug. 15, 2012, that Kimmel popped the question during a recent vacation in South Africa's Kruger National Park. McNearney is the co-head writer for the network's ?Jimmy Kimmel Live.? They started dating in 2009, after Kimmel's breakup with comic Sarah Silverman. (AP Photo/Matt Sayles)

FILE - This Nov. 17, 2011 file photo shows late night talk show host Jimmy Kimmel, left, and Molly McNearney arrive at the 16th annual GQ "Men of the Year" party in Los Angeles. Kimmel and McNearney are newly engaged. His spokesman, Lewis Kay, said Wednesday, Aug. 15, 2012, that Kimmel popped the question during a recent vacation in South Africa's Kruger National Park. McNearney is the co-head writer for the network's ?Jimmy Kimmel Live.? They started dating in 2009, after Kimmel's breakup with comic Sarah Silverman. (AP Photo/Matt Sayles)

FILE - This Nov. 17, 2011 file photo shows late night talk show host Jimmy Kimmel, left, and Molly McNearney arrive at the 16th annual GQ "Men of the Year" party in Los Angeles. Kimmel and McNearney are newly engaged. His spokesman, Lewis Kay, said Wednesday, Aug. 15, 2012, that Kimmel popped the question during a recent vacation in South Africa's Kruger National Park. McNearney is the co-head writer for the network's ?Jimmy Kimmel Live.? They started dating in 2009, after Kimmel's breakup with comic Sarah Silverman. (AP Photo/Matt Sayles)

(AP) ? Jimmy Kimmel didn't have to look too far for his new fianc?e.

The ABC funnyman is newly engaged to girlfriend Molly McNearney. His spokesman, Lewis Kay, said Wednesday that Kimmel popped the question during a recent vacation in South Africa's Kruger National Park.

McNearney is the co-head writer for the network's "Jimmy Kimmel Live." They started dating in 2009, after Kimmel's breakup with comic Sarah Silverman.

Kimmel is 44 ? 10 years older than his fianc?e. The engagement was first reported by People magazine.

Associated Press


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Franchising - Consumer Electronics Blog

Franchise is actually a method of performing organization by licensing trademarks. A recurring royalty fee being the prime supply of income, the advent of franchise business dates back towards the 1850s. The earliest instance getting the bars of New South Wales, the agreements between these bars and also the breweries can be thought of the foundation for modern franchise companies. Additional examples of early franchises include the telegraph system (operated by several railroad organizations but controlled by Western Union) and exclusive agreements among automobile producers and nearby dealers.

The term franchise holds a number of definitions. Encompassing a plethora of varied company relationships, franchises occasionally don?t follow their legal definition per se, for instance, an appliance maintenance franchise. Within this situation, even though the right after sales services are supposed to be carried out by the manufacturer, they grant the license for maintenance to some other celebration, thinning down additional the dividing line among outsourcing and franchising.

A franchise agreement could be the 1st step among the prepared parties; the agreement binds the parties together via contractual provisions, strengthening additional the arrangements of promoting one?s own merchandise or services through another particular person holding the license. The agreement also specifies the region of operation beneath the franchise holder, although the franchise provider generally denies a full and exclusive manage in the franchise holder more than that distinct territory. Franchise inside the US abides by the jurisdiction granted by the state and federal laws although there is certainly no federal registry of franchising or any federal filing requirements for information. Even so, franchise holders are required to possess an Uniform Franchise Supplying Circular (as per the Federal Trade Commission rules); it helps in disclosing the business transactions and purchases that stay involved. As of now, the Monetary Times declared that if sales by US franchise businesses had been translated into national product, they would qualify as the 7th largest economy on the planet.

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Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Key Pakistan air base under attack: officials

Militants armed with guns and rocket launchers stormed a key Pakistani air force base before dawn on Thursday, sparking heavy clashes with security forces, officials said.

The attack began after 2:00 am (2100 GMT Wednesday) and fighting was continuing three hours later, but it was unclear how many assailants had penetrated PAF Base Minhas, in Kamra about 60 kilometres (37 miles) northwest of Islamabad.

One official speaking to AFP on condition of anonymity from within the base said he could hear gun and rocket fire, and the sound of hand grenades.

Officials said special forces were scrambled to respond to the attack at the base, home to the Pakistan Aeronautical Complex, the manufacturing division of the air force that builds Mirage and, with Chinese support, JF-17 fighter jets.

There were no immediate reports of casualties among security forces, but witnesses said they could hear the sirens of ambulances called out to the area.

A Pakistan Air Force (PAF) spokesman said at least one attacker had been killed.

"One body of a suicide bomber strapped with explosives has been found close to the impact area," he said, adding that the intensity of the clashes was lessening.

The Air Force had earlier confirmed that "a group of terrorists" had attacked part of PAF Base Minhas and that "intense fire is being exchanged between the security personnel".

There was no immediate claim of responsibility but Islamist militants linked to the Pakistani Taliban have targeted a string of military bases in a five-year insurgency.

In May 2011, it took security forces 17 hours to quell a similar attack on an air base in the southern city of Karachi that killed 10 security personnel and destroyed two US-made aircraft, and was claimed by the Taliban.

Despite a relative lull in high-profile attacks, Pakistan has been on alert for violence to coincide with its independence day on Tuesday this week and the Muslim festival of Eid, which is expected to begin at the weekend.

The government says 35,000 people, including more than 3,000 soldiers, have been killed as a result of terrorism that has swept the country since the 9/11 attacks in 2001 and the subsequent US-led invasion of neighbouring Afghanistan.

Pakistan has been fighting for years against homegrown Taliban in its northwestern tribal frontier with Afghanistan. But it has so far resisted US pressure to take on militants who use Pakistani soil to plan attacks across the border.

The military has been targeted at least twice in recent years in Kamra, in the central province of Punjab.

On October 23, 2009 a suicide bomber killed six civilians and two Pakistan Air Force personnel at a checkpoint outside the base during morning rush hour.

On December 10, 2007, a suicide car bomber struck a school bus, wounding at least five children of base employees.


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Foxy Brown, Wayne, Drake join Minaj onstage in NYC

Nicki Minaj, Trinidadian-born American rapper, singer, songwriter and voice actress, performs at Roseland Ballroom on Tuesday, Aug. 14, 2012 in New York. (Photo by Jason DeCrow/Invision/AP)

Nicki Minaj, Trinidadian-born American rapper, singer, songwriter and voice actress, performs at Roseland Ballroom on Tuesday, Aug. 14, 2012 in New York. (Photo by Jason DeCrow/Invision/AP)

Nicki Minaj, Trinidadian-born American rapper, singer, songwriter and voice actress, performs with rapper Cam'ron at Roseland Ballroom on Tuesday, Aug. 14, 2012 in New York. (Photo by Jason DeCrow/Invision/AP)

Nicki Minaj, Trinidadian-born American rapper, singer, songwriter and voice actress, performs at Roseland Ballroom on Tuesday, Aug. 14, 2012 in New York. (Photo by Jason DeCrow/Invision/AP)

Nicki Minaj, Trinidadian-born American rapper, singer, songwriter and voice actress, performs at Roseland Ballroom on Tuesday, Aug. 14, 2012 in New York. (Photo by Jason DeCrow/Invision/AP)

Nicki Minaj, Trinidadian-born American rapper, singer, songwriter and voice actress, performs at Roseland Ballroom on Tuesday, Aug. 14, 2012 in New York. (Photo by Jason DeCrow/Invision/AP)

NEW YORK (AP) ? Nicki Minaj's New York City concert featured usual suspects like her mentor Lil Wayne and label mate Drake, but it was another guest appearance that was really striking: rapper Foxy Brown.

Brown joined Minaj onstage Tuesday night at the Roseland Ballroom. Before she took the stage, Minaj said she wanted to introduce "the female rapper who influenced me the most."

As Brown entered, the crowd of nearly 3,000 roared. She performed three songs from her last album, 2001's "Broken Silence."

"'Broken Silence' changed my life," Minaj said. "I always loved Foxy. When she put out 'Broken Silence,' I knew she was an innovator."

The Queens-based Minaj added that although Brown is "crazy sometimes," she's also ahead of her time.

"There aren't any other female rappers who have opened doors for me than you," Minaj said, looking to Brown and quickly adding: "You and Lauryn (Hill)."

Brown, the Brooklyn-born feisty rapper, has released three successful albums, but she's seen her career wane after criminal charges on a probation violation led to time behind bars. But Brown said she's returning to music, thanks to Minaj.

"I'm coming back," Brown yelled. "My sister's making sure. I'm coming back."

Minaj performed more than two-dozen songs at the free concert for Pepsi. The venue transformed from a hip-hop vibe ? as she performed rap hits like "Beez In the Trap" and "Did It On 'Em" ? to a pulsating, Euro-flavored nightclub as Minaj sang the pop smashes "Starships," ''Pound the Alarm" and "Turn Me On."

The 29-year-old rapper changed outfits four times ? including three wig changes ? during the two-hour show. She also sang a line from Beyonce's hit "Sweet Dreams."

"I bruised my vocal chords," Minaj told the crowd, then gave a shout-out to her doctor in the crowd.




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Associated Press


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Ocean health index provides first global assessment combining natural and human dimensions of sustainability

ScienceDaily (Aug. 15, 2012) ? Using a new comprehensive index designed to assess the benefits to people of healthy oceans, scientists have evaluated the ecological, social, economic, and political conditions for every coastal country in the world. Their findings, published Aug. 15 in the journal Nature, show that the global ocean scores 60 out of 100 overall on the Ocean Health Index. Individual country scores range widely, from 36 to 86. The highest-scoring locations included densely populated, highly developed nations such as Germany, as well as uninhabited islands, such as Jarvis Island in the Pacific.

Determining whether a score of 60 is better or worse than one would expect is less about analysis and more about perspective. "Is the score far from perfect with ample room for improvement, or more than half way to perfect with plenty of reason to applaud success? I think it's both," said lead author Ben Halpern, an ecologist at UC Santa Barbara. "What the Index does is help us separate our gut feelings about good and bad from the measurement of what's happening."

The Ocean Health Index is the first broad, quantitative assessment of the critical relationships between the ocean and people, framed in terms of the many benefits we derive from the ocean. Instead of simply assuming any human presence is negative, it asks what our impacts mean for the things we care about.

"Several years ago I led a project that mapped the cumulative impact of human activities on the world's ocean, which was essentially an ocean pristine-ness index," said Halpern, who is a researcher at UCSB's National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis (NCEAS), as well as UCSB's Marine Science Institute. He also directs UCSB's Center for Marine Assessment and Planning. "That was and is a useful perspective to have, but it's not enough. We tend to forget that people are part of all ecosystems -- from the most remote deserts to the depths of the ocean. The Ocean Health Index is unique because it embraces people as part of the ocean ecosystem. So we're not just the problem, but a major part of the solution, too."

In all, more than 30 collaborators from universities, non-profit organizations, and government agencies, led by NCEAS and Conservation International, pulled together data on the current status and likely future condition for factors such as seafood, coastal livelihoods, and biodiversity. All together, 10 "shared goals" define the health of the ocean as its ability to provide such benefits now and in the future.

The Index emphasizes sustainability, penalizing practices that benefit people today at the expense of the ocean's ability to deliver those benefits in the future. "Sustainability tends to be issue-specific, focused on sustainable agriculture, fisheries, or tourism, for example," said Karen McLeod, one of the lead authors who is affiliated with COMPASS, a team of science-based communication professionals. "The Index challenges us to consider what sustainability looks like across all of our many uses of the ocean, simultaneously. It may not make our choices any easier, but it greatly improves our understanding of the available options and their potential consequences."

By re-envisioning ocean health as a portfolio of benefits, the Ocean Health Index highlights the many different ways in which a place can be healthy. Just like a diversified stock portfolio can perform equally well in a variety of market conditions, many different combinations of goals can lead to a high Index score. In short, the Ocean Health Index highlights the variety of options for strategic action to improve ocean health.

"To many it may seem uncomfortable to focus on benefits to people as the definition of a healthy ocean," said Steve Katona, another of the study's lead authors, who is with Conservation International. "Yet, policy and management initiatives around the world are embracing exactly this philosophy. Whether we like it or not, people are key. If thoughtful, sustainable use of the oceans benefits human well-being, the oceans and their web of life will also benefit. The bottom line is 'healthy ocean, healthy people, healthy planet.'"

Around the world, ocean policy lacks a shared definition of what exactly "health" means, and has no agreed-upon set of tools to measure status and progress. "The Index transforms the powerful metaphor of health into something concrete, transparent, and quantitative," said McLeod. "This understanding of the whole, not just the parts, is necessary to conserve and restore ocean ecosystems. We can't manage what we don't measure."

This first global assessment of the health of the ocean provides an important baseline against which future change can be measured. Without such a baseline, there is no way to know if things are actually getting better in response to management and conservation actions.

"The Index can provide strategic guidance for ocean policy," said Andrew Rosenberg, another of the lead authors and a former member of the U.S. Commission on Ocean Policy. "Because the Index includes current status, trends, and factors affecting sustainability for 10 broadly shared goals, it enables managers to focus on key actions that can really make a difference in improving the health of the ocean and benefits we derive from a healthier ocean."

Jake Rice, with the Department of Fisheries and Oceans in Canada, who was not involved in the study, said: "No index, by itself, can be a sufficient guide to case-by-case decision-making. However, the Index can inform the public policy dialogue that is essential to sound governance. Moreover, the Index will improve and adapt with use and experience. All who care about the health of the oceans and the well-being of human societies that depend on them, should be looking forward to both the near-term benefits we can take from this work, and to the evolution of the Index as we gain experience with it."

The authors readily acknowledge methodological challenges in calculating the Index, but emphasize that it represents a critical step forward. "We recognize the Index is a bit audacious," said Halpern. "With policy-makers and managers needing tools to actually measure ocean health -- and with no time to waste -- we felt it was audacious by necessity."

Other co-authors from NCEAS are Catherine Longo, Darren Hardy, Jennifer O'Leary, Marla Ranelletti, Courtney Scarborough, and Ben Best. Co-authors from Conservation International are Elizabeth Selig, Leah Karrer, and Greg Stone. Jameal Samhouri and Mike Fogarty are from NOAA. Sarah Lester, Steve Gaines, Kelsey Jacobsen, and Cris Elfes are from UCSB. Kristin Kleisner, Daniel Pauly, Rashid Sumaila, and Dirk Zeller are from the University of British Columbia. Other co-authors are Dan Brumbaugh from the American Museum of Natural History; F. Stuart (Terry) Chapin from the University of Alaska Fairbanks; Larry Crowder from Stanford University; Kendra Daly from the University of South Florida; Scott Doney from Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution; Heather Leslie from Brown University; Elizabeth Neely from COMPASS; Steve Polasky from the University of Minnesota; Bud Ris from the New England Aquarium; and Kevin St. Martin from Rutgers University.

The founding partners of the Ocean Health Index are Conservation International, National Geographic, and New England Aquarium. The founding presenting sponsor of the Ocean Health Index was Pacific Life Foundation and a founding grant was provided by Beau and Heather Wrigley.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by University of California - Santa Barbara, via EurekAlert!, a service of AAAS.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. Benjamin S. Halpern, Catherine Longo, Darren Hardy, Karen L. McLeod, Jameal F. Samhouri, Steven K. Katona, Kristin Kleisner, Sarah E. Lester, Jennifer O?Leary, Marla Ranelletti, Andrew A. Rosenberg, Courtney Scarborough, Elizabeth R. Selig, Benjamin D. Best, Daniel R. Brumbaugh, F. Stuart Chapin, Larry B. Crowder, Kendra L. Daly, Scott C. Doney, Cristiane Elfes, Michael J. Fogarty, Steven D. Gaines, Kelsey I. Jacobsen, Leah Bunce Karrer, Heather M. Leslie, Elizabeth Neeley, Daniel Pauly, Stephen Polasky, Bud Ris, Kevin St Martin, Gregory S. Stone, U. Rashid Sumaila, Dirk Zeller. An index to assess the health and benefits of the global ocean. Nature, 2012; DOI: 10.1038/nature11397

Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

Disclaimer: Views expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Is Cancer Care Worse in Poorer Neighborhoods? | Work In Progress

According to one recent study: no.

To be more precise, according to one recent study, areas of social deprivation have an equal supply of cancer care services as more well-to-do areas.

Elizabeth Lamont and colleagues, of Harvard Medical School, set out to determine ?whether area social factors are associated with the area health care supply,? according to the abstract of their report, published in the Journal of Clinical Oncology. Using Census Bureau records, the authors noted the social factors at play in 3,096 urban zip codes, and checked the health care supply in the 465 hospital service areas that corresponded to those zip codes. Focusing specifically on breast cancer and colorectal cancer, the authors cross-checked the data to see if social factors were associated with the supply of health care services, namely screening, treatment, and post-treatment surveillance.

The authors found no such association. The supply of physicians conducting these three areas of care was no different for disadvantaged neighborhoods than it was for more advantaged neighborhoods.

In the quest to understand why health outcomes are worse among people living in poor areas, this study is a small step that rules out one potential variable. Okay, so, the number of people providing important services isn?t the problem. So if there is an adequate supply, then what?s the problem?

As Sandra Swain notes in a Reuters article on the study, insurance, money, medical literacy and transportation may all be contributing to the difference in outcomes.

Though the causes remain unclear, the link between social deprivation (is that a euphemism or a more nuanced and accurate way to speak about poverty?) and worse outcomes among people with cancer is undeniable. A few startling findings:

Among 7290 colorectal cancer patients in the UK who underwent surgery, social deprivation was associated with higher postoperative mortality (death after surgery) and a longer hospital stay ? and that difference was on a sliding scale; as deprivation worsened, so did outcomes.

This report from Cancer Research UK notes that unskilled workers are more likely to die from cancer than are professionals, and cancer mortality rates, though varying widely across geographic areas in the country, are highest in areas with dramatic levels of social deprivation. Interestingly, the report authors assert that much of this difference can be chalked up to smoking prevalence.

But smoking can?t be the only factor. Another study of 762 women with breast cancer (also in England) found that wealthier women were less likely to be diagnosed with invasive ductal tumors, high-grade tumors, and estrogen receptor-negative tumors. That study also found that poorer women may have been having more potentially unnecessary mastectomies.

This report presents a more global view of the socioeconomic determinants of cancer, with an emphasis of the problem in developing countries.

The connection with social deprivation and race has also come under some scrutiny. As this report (albeit from several years ago) highlights, breast cancer incidence may not be that different among white women and black women, but breast cancer mortality is higher among the latter.

It?s true that most of the reports noted above are not from the United States, and perhaps the supply of services is an issue in other countries. My guess would be not, that the issues linking social deprivation to cancer in developed countries are, by and large, the same. But what are they?

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New bacteria-resistant materials discovered

ScienceDaily (Aug. 13, 2012) ? Using state-of-the-art technology, scientists at The University of Nottingham have discovered a new class of polymers that are resistant to bacterial attachment. These new materials could lead to a significant reduction in hospital infections and medical device failures.

Medical device associated infections can lead to systemic infections or device failure, costing the NHS ?1bn a year. Affecting many commonly used devices including urinary and venous catheters -- bacteria form communities known as biofilms. This 'strength in numbers approach' protects them against the bodies' natural defences and antibiotics.

Experts in the Schools of Pharmacy and Molecular Medical Sciences, have shown that when the new materials are applied to the surface of medical devices they repel bacteria and prevent them forming biofilms.

The research was led by Professor Morgan Alexander, and Professor Martyn Davies in the School of Pharmacy and Professor Paul Williams in the School of Molecular Medical Sciences.?

The novel materials had to be found using a new technique

Researchers believed there were new materials that could resist bacteria better but they had to find them. This meant screening thousands of different chemistries and testing their reaction to bacteria -- a challenge which was beyond conventional materials development or any of our current understanding of the interaction of micro-organisms with surfaces.

The discovery has been made with the help of experts from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) -- who initially developed the process by which thousands of unique polymers can now be screened simultaneously.

Professor Alexander said: "This is a major scientific breakthrough -- we have discovered a new group of structurally related materials that dramatically reduce the attachment of pathogenic bacteria (Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli). We could not have found these materials using the current understanding of bacteria-surface interactions. The technology developed with the help of MIT means that hundreds of materials could be screened simultaneously to reveal new structure-property relationships. In total thousands of materials were investigated using this high throughput materials discovery approach leading to the identification of novel materials resisting bacterial attachment. This could not have been achieved using conventional techniques."

These new materials prevent infection by stopping biofilm formation at the earliest possible stage -- when the bacteria first attempt to attach themselves to the device. In the laboratory experts were able to reduce the numbers of bacteria by up to 96.7per cent -- compared with a commercially available silver containing catheter -- and were effective at resisting bacterial attachment in a mouse implant infection model. By preventing bacterial attachment the body's own immune system can kill the bacteria before they have time to generate biofilms.

Ted Bianco, Director of Technology Transfer at the Wellcome Trust, said: "Infections caused by microbial biofilms binding to the surface of implants often cannot be treated with conventional antibiotics. This makes them a significant challenge in patient care, particularly for those with inserted medical devices like catheters, heart valves and prosthetic joints. The discovery of these new polymers is a great example of how advances in materials science are being exploited in our efforts to improve the performance of critical medical components. Just as materials science gave us the non-stick saucepan, so we look forward to the day of the 'non-stick' medical device."

Bacterial attachment and subsequent biofilm formation are key challenges to the performance of medical devices. This is early stage research but the initial results are very promising. The next stage of this research will be to develop the manufacture of these coatings to enable the performance of these materials to be assessed clinically and the inventors are in early stage discussions with a number of medical device companies.

The results of the ?1.3m four year research project supported by a Translation Award from the Wellcome Trust, have been published on August 12, 2012, in the academic journal Nature Biotechnology.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by University of Nottingham.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. Andrew L Hook, Chien-Yi Chang, Jing Yang, Jeni Luckett, Alan Cockayne, Steve Atkinson, Ying Mei, Roger Bayston, Derek J Irvine, Robert Langer, Daniel G Anderson, Paul Williams, Martyn C Davies, Morgan R Alexander. Combinatorial discovery of polymers resistant to bacterial attachment. Nature Biotechnology, 2012; DOI: 10.1038/nbt.2316

Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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Sears spinning off some stores into separate co.

(AP) ? Sears is preparing to spin off its Hometown and Outlet stores as well as some hardware stores into a separate publicly traded company.

The news sent the company's stock up $2.58, or 5 percent, to $54 in premarket trading Monday.

Sears had signaled that it would split the companies back in February. There are a total of 1,238 Hometown, Outlet and hardware stores as of April 28, according to Sears, which is trying to turn around its business and spruce up its image. It has already closed five Hometown stores, eight hardware stores and one Outlet store.

Sears, which also owns Kmart, has looked at spinoffs and real estate sales to restore profitability and boost shareholder confidence. Aside from the separation of the Hometown, Outlet and some hardware stores, the company announced in May that it would spin off a stake in its Canada division.

Sears did not disclose Monday in the filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission how much money it expects to raise with the spin-off of the Hometown, Outlet and hardware stores. It previously said that it expected the deal to raise between $400 million and $500 million.

Sears Chairman Edward Lampert's ESL Investments Inc. will own a majority stake in the business being spun off.

For fiscal 2011, the combined Sears Hometown, hardware and Outlet businesses had net income of $33.1 million on sales of about $2.34 billion. That compares with fiscal 2010 net income of $49.8 million on sales of approximately $2.35 billion.

Sears Holdings Corp., based in Hoffman Estates, Ill., is set to report its second-quarter earnings Thursday.

The new company will be listed on the Nasdaq under the "SHOS" ticker symbol.

Associated Press


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